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Events News
My work on display
Check out the following events:
Please subscribe via my contact page
for updates about upcoming

Dec 07, 2017
Colour My Life
Ellenbrook Arts Members Exhibition
Friday, 8. December 2017 - Sunday, 7. January 2018
My sculpture: Self-Portrait @ 70 ...
Oct 24, 2017
Cambridge Studio Gallery, Melbourne, 25 October to 12 November, 2017 - Exhibition runs, Wed to Sun, 12 to 5pm
CASM, Contemporary Australian Surrealist Movement.
Our annual exhibition that showcases the breadth of modern Australian surrealism through fantastical paintings and alternative sculptures - this year in Melbourne.
Cambridge Studio Gallery
(03) 9486 0169
Oct 07, 2017
York Town Hall 8 - 16 October, daily 10am-4pm
York - Art & Craft Awards 2017
York has become my favourite awards exhibition. After having had success in 2015 and 2016, can I get lucky for a third consecutive year? Three new sculptures can be seen at this event this year. A countryside Sunday drive combined with lunch and an exhibition visit in York might be a enjoyable change to your regular weekend routine. The York Art Society is curating this annual event and works really hard to make this exhibition a fabulous experience.
Phone 0428 322 167 or 0455 779 431
email: arts.yorksociety@westnet.com.au
Sep 21, 2017
City of South-Perth Community Hall
Emerging Artist Award Exhibition 2017
Selected works including my 'Balancing Act' sculpture will be exhibited to the public in the South Perth Community Hall from Friday 22 September to Saturday 30 September 2017 at the City of South Perth Community Hall. Visitors to the exhibition will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite piece or purchase an artwork of their own. The opening hours are 9am - 4pm Tuesday to Friday and 10am - 3pm Saturdays and Monday.
Sep 05, 2017
Mater Dei College 6 - 12 September
Showcase 2017
The school's annual Showcase exhibition has developed into a popular event. Students and staff from all creative subject areas are showcasing their achievements, projects and artwork, from Art to Furniture Design, Photography to Textiles, Graphics to Engineering, Media to Materials across all year groups. Not to mention Food & Hospitality, Music and Dance who all play a role during the opening night, when Guest Artist Andy Quilty will address the audience and student awards will be handed out.
Mater Dei College invites you to the Official Opening, Wednesday, 6. September, 6:00-9:00pm, Bernie Boss Hall, 107 Treetop Avenue, Edgewater. Please join us and help celebrate the fantastic creative display and enjoy a first class range of nibbles and drinks. Looking forward to seeing you there. The other public viewing day is Saturday, 9. September, 10am-4pm.
May 06, 2017
7. May - 4. June at The Gallery, 34 Main Street, Ellenbrook, 10-2pm weekdays, 1pm-5pm weekend
Duo-Exhibition Ellenbrook 2017
Hillarys based chainsaw artist and sculptor Ernst Schneider and Mandurah based painter Carmel Sayer, are teaming up to present an exhibition with a difference. Just as life is like a roller coaster with its ups and downs, twists and turns and often unforeseeable destinations, it will be your choice to scream or enjoy the ride. This also applies to this exhibition, our biggest to date, which combines cleverly arranged, unusual and distorted sculptures with compartmentalised, colourful and expressive paintings to create both unique vibrancy and harmony at ‘Life – Stages and Crossroads’.
All can be explored through workshops, artist talks and an exhibition at The Gallery in Ellenbrook, 34 Main Street, 7. May -4. June. (10am – 2pm daily, 1pm – 5pm on weekends).
Both talented yet ‘contemporary thinking’ Perth artists will be available throughout the weekends of the exhibition and on the Opening on Sunday 7th May from 2pm- 4.30pm. Paula Silbert from Paula Silbert Art Consultancy will officially open the exhibition.
You can learn more about the artists on www.ernstschneidersculptures.com and www.carmelsayerart.com .
Free artist talks will be held by Ernst Schneider on Saturday, 13. May, 1.30pm -2.30 pm,
and Carmel Sayer on Saturday 20. May, 1.30pm – 2.30pm.
You are invited to the opening, talks and workshops and will need to reserve your place by emailing Matt Sivyer, Executive Director Ellenbrook Arts, on info@ellenbrookarts.com.au or (08) 9297 9940.
My work on display
Check out the following events:

Oct 07, 2016
8. - 16. October, York Town Hall, 10-4pm daily, Thursday (9.Oct.) 10-7pm
York Art and Craft Awards
After having had some success by winning the Sculpture prize for Scarface and Highly commended for a set of Party People last year I am looking forward to entering again some new artwork in this event this year. York is a fascinating little country town and always worth the one hour trip at any given time of the year. You might as well combine it with a visit to the Town Hall where the exhibition is held. The York Art Society pride themselves to host this annual event and you can feel the love that goes into it. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Oct 20, 2016
Group exhibition with CASM (Contemporary Australian Surrealists Movement) at Kidogo
Unrestricted By Reality
You are cordially invited to view the latest spectacular surrealistic, fantastic and visionary artworks from the artists of the CASM (Contemporary Australian Surrealism Movement). Kidogo Arthouse, Bathers Beach, Fremantle,
Friday, 21. October - Tuesday, 25. October, open 11am - 4pm daily
Opening night Thursday, 20. October, 7pm
RSVP to janazdenek69@gmail.com
Come and experience the unexpected!
Nov 09, 2016
City Ark - part of the Kaleidoscope Illumination Project
kaleidoscope - a festival of light, art , music, food - City of Joondalup
For its electrifying inaugural year, Kaleidoscope, WA’s first festival of illumination, will transform the Joondalup City Centre into an extraordinary spectacle of lighting and projection. For more information visit kaleidoscopefestival.com.au Some of my sculptures will be featuring in a 5 minute loop of a high powered projected slideshow on the face of the Joonalup Civic Centre (a large & impressive building 80m wide) as a City Ark and futuristic building from a future where humans have integrated nature into every part of their lives.
Thursday, 10. November - Sunday, 13. November, 7:25pm to 9:45pm Thursday/Sunday & 7:25pm to 10:45pm Friday/Saturday
For details go to http://www.kaleidoscopefestival.com.au/calendar. It's the CITY ARK program part in the calendar.
City of Wanneroo Art Collection online
The City has published a collection of about 250 pieces of artwork on its website to view online, covering categories including ceramics, digital art, drawing, indigenous, painting, photography, sculpture and textiles.
It includes a substantial number of items by northern suburbs artists.
One of those pieces was my very first sculpture I entered in any competition or award. I was thrilled at the time to see my sculpture being purchased by the City of Wanneroo Art Society which has given me a huge amount of confidence and believe in my work.
Why don't you check it out in the Sculpture section on http://www.wanneroo.wa.gov.au/artcollection
City of Wanneroo Art Award 2016
​An online tour through the 2016 Art Award exhibition is now available on
Find my entry (below) in this exhibition!

York Art & Craft Award 2016
​My entry (below) won Highly Commended in Sculpture:
No. 228 “Chip on the Shoulder” by Ernst Schneider
Judges’ Comments:
It’s simplicity and honesty imbue this figure with a real presence that cannot be ignored.

Artist Carmel Wise http://www.carmelsayerart.com visited Unrestricted by Reality opening night:
"Had a fantastic evening at Kidago Arthouse at the opening of Unrestricted by Reality. Here is Black Swan Prize founder Tina Wilson and award winning artist Ernst Schneider hamming it up with one of Ernst's sculptures. Exhibition on one week only opened 10-4 daily . Fantastic work, really worth the trip!"

Presently, the wonderful art and artist supportive staff at CAMERICH furniture and interior design, Lyle, Lua and Sarah, are giving me and other artists a new platform to exhibit our artwork in their Claremont showroom.
If you like contemporary furniture and interior decorations you should check out this exciting store and meet it's friendly and knowledgeable staff.
204 Stirling Highway, Claremont, WA

Opening with Paula Silbert

Self-Portrait @ 70 - beginnings
Westralia Square, CBD Perth: TWENTY in 2020
Westralia Square, CBD Perth: TWENTY in 2020

TWENTY Westralia Square 1

TWENTY Westralia Square 2 Foyer Front